Photon V3 Manual

Below are the manual pages from our old version of Photon Game Manager, V3. V3 is a usable product but it has many quirks with the interface which simply do not compare to the user-friendliness of V4. V3 also has a lot less features than V4 does and the graphics engine isn't quite as advanced so doesn't look as good and is slower than V4. So why not help support me by buying a license key for V4 and get a better product.

Database Manager Image Optimizer

Window Interface

When DatabaseManager updates games it also optimizes the artwork, this window sets the optimizer settings for DatabaseManager. You can access this window by clicking File -> Optimizer Settings.

Window Interface

Cover Height – The height of the Box Art after optimization (Recommended setting: 800px)
Image Quality – A value between 1 and 99, where 99 is best quality and 1 is worst (Recommended setting: 75)
Optimize updated art only? – Optimize art only when its been updated (Recommended setting: Not Ticked)
Backgrounds?(Slow) – If you are having problems with some Fan Art being downloaded but failing to show up on FrontEnd then tick this and it should solve the problem. If your not having problems you don't really need to tick this as it slows the program down. (Recommended setting: Not Ticked)